
... gallery

Hamil-Rahman mosque Here king Nemrot threw
Abraham in fire, wich changed
immediately in fishy water
The sacred carps The mosque of Ayyubid princes


Oldest village in the world In the 7th century B.C.
Haran become capital city of Assurian
Abraham live here
Emperor Marcus Aurelius
was murded here
The ruins of the oldest Islam university New Haran university Observatory


Ancient town of Mardin Fantastic view over
the Mesopotamian Plain
Stone-carving detail Muslim cemetory
Night view from Ulu
minaret ( 12th century)
City life Details Details


The lost city in Kurdistan ? Minaret of the mosque al Rizk (1409) Most ancient occupied
place in Mesopotamia
Wild cat
The Tigris Palace of the princes
Artonkides (12th century)
5000 years old cave My house - my castle :) Cave
House in old bridge ( 1116) Some of these troglodyte
cave would have been occupied since
the 3rd millenium B.C
Tea shop on the Tigris river

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